Pulsar Calcium Hypochlorite Granular
The “all in one” chlorinator for pools and spas that delivers unsurpassed and consistent results. The chlorinating granules kill bacteria, control algae, destroy organic contaminants, and ‘shock’ for chloramine removal.
50lbs buckets
For best product performance, swimmer comfort, and crystal-clear water, maintain pH in the range of 7.2 to 7.6, with total alkalinity in the range of 60 to 80 parts per million (ppm), and calcium hardness above 200 ppm. Use a reliable test kit that measures all of these components and Pulsar® Pool Care Products to make adjustments.
Pulsar Sun Screen20
UV Protection for Outdoor Pools
40lbs buckets
Outdoor pools should be stabilized to protect available chlorine from degradation by UV light. Pulsar® Plus Sun Screen is a high-grade stabilizer for sanitizing outdoor swimming pool water.
Pulsar Acid Cleaner
Scale Remover for Pulsar® Feeders
Powerful scale remover
Does not contain muriatic acid
The pH of Pulsar® Acid Cleaner is high enough to prevent the formation of chlorine gas when mixed with a chlorinated solution and low enough to convert the carbonate to bicarbonate and carbon dioxide. This conversion dissolves the scale or calcium carbonate. After 30 minutes, the grid should be free of scale.